Accessibility training

We can train your team to understand how to be more accessible, including making documents accessible yourself. This is more expensive short term, but would give you the skills in-house to get to a level of accessibility that would be acceptable for your audience. The training would be custom to your organisation to ensure your team gets the best learning experience. All training sessions will be followed up with training materials for future reference. 

Custom guides 

We can create custom guides to improving accessibility without any face-to-face training. For example, accessible social media guidelines, a guide for making conferences accessible, top tips for document accessibility, top tips for website accessibility. These co-branded guides could be distributed to your employees. 

Accessibility training 

Virtual training on accessibility for content creation, including social media, documents and presentations, website content and internal communications. 

  • One-on-one training with a selected person who is then able to train others in the organisation (train the trainer). 

  • Training up to 10 people in a single group session. 

Our training is provided remotely as standard but can be conducted in person for an additional cost to travel and expenses. 

The topics covered in training can include: 

  • Accessibility overview 

  • Writing for the web 

  • Alternative text 

  • Headings 

  • Colour contrast 

  • Descriptive links 

  • Fonts and formatting 

  • Tables 

  • Video best practice (subtitles, audio descriptions) 

  • Working together to make a document accessible 

  • How to save an accessible PDF* 

  • How to accessibility test a document 

After the training you will be able to: 

  • Post accessible content on social media 

  • Communicate with your colleagues in an inclusive way  

  • Assess the accessibility of your documents and presentations  

  • Create accessible documents in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint 

  • Save accessible documents to PDF* 

  • Confidently explain the importance of accessibility to your colleagues 

  • Access basic training materials provided by SeeAbility 

* Note that without an Acrobat Pro license and training, documents may not be fully accessible. This training will show you how to how to get as accessible as you can in Microsoft apps (Word, PowerPoint) without a full Acrobat Pro license. 

Microsoft and Acrobat Pro accessibility training 

Microsoft accessibility training plus Adobe Acrobat Pro training to check and fix accessibility issues in Acrobat Pro. Acrobat Pro is required to check the accessibility of PDFs that have been created in other programmes such as Word, InDesign, Canva, etc. Using Acrobat Pro is the only way to ensure a PDF is fully accessible. An Acrobat Pro license is required for this training. 

Our training is provided remotely as standard but can be conducted in person for an additional cost to travel and expenses. 

E-learning module 

Creating a custom e-learning module on how to make documents and any content accessible. This would future-proof your accessibility learning to protect against losing knowledge with staff turnover. This is a cost-effective way of ensuring the entire organisation has a knowledge of accessibility that can be used for internal and external communication. 

The module will cover the key accessibility basics including: 

  • Plan English language  

  • Headings 

  • Alternative text 

  • Colour contrast 

  • Descriptive links 

  • Fonts and formatting 

  • Tables 

  • Video best practice 

The e-learning platform can be used by unlimited employees including new starters over a 2 year period. 

We also offer a checking service, where we run our accessibility checks on documents you have made accessible, to give you confidence you are getting it right.