Supporter care information
At SeeAbility, we believe that with the right support, people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss can live ambitious lives – achieving things they never thought possible.
Whether it’s forming more friendships, enjoying new experiences, or finding employment, our aim is for inclusive communities where people with disabilities can live, love, thrive and belong as equals in society.
The people we support challenge us all to rethink disability and inclusion. Thanks to the generosity of kind supporters like you, we know we can make inclusion a reality by ensuring every voice is heard and that no one with a disability is left behind.
Our supporter care promise to you
Keeping your data safe
- We will make it clear and easy for you to choose how you hear from us, including how to opt out from future communications.
- We will never share your details with other organisations or charities, except those we engage directly to fundraise on our behalf. Read our privacy policy.
- We will only work with professional fundraising organisations and always adhere to fundraising best practice as laid down by the Fundraising Regulator and Information Commissioners Office.
- We will only contact you in the ways you are happy for us to.
We value your support and feedback
- We will always acknowledge every gift, no matter how large or small, unless you specifically request us not to acknowledge.
- We will keep you updated and share stories of how your support is making a difference to lives of people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss.
- We positively welcome feedback and will respond to any queries you may have within five working days.
- We will treat you openly and honestly with courtesy and respect.
- We will always be careful and sensitive when engaging with vulnerable people and all staff will adhere to our safeguarding policy.
Get in touch
If you have any questions about our fundraising or would like to change how you hear from us, please get in touch with our Supporter Care team:
Phone: 01372 755042
Download our Gift Aid form
Look at our latest annual reports
Read our privacy policy

Our impact reports
Our Impact Reports show how we're supporting people to dream big and have the same opportunities we'd expect from our own lives.

Ways to donate to SeeAbility
By phone
To donate using your card by phone, please call Supporter Care on 01372 755 042.
By cheque
If you prefer to post us a cheque or charity voucher, please make these payable to "Royal School for the Blind – SeeAbility" and send to:
Wesley House
Bull Hill
KT22 7AH
Please include your name and address and/or email so we can acknowledge your donation.
Securely donate online. There are three ways that you can donate to SeeAbility - you can make a one-time donation, donate monthly through your debit or credit card or set up a direct debit to make a monthly donation if you would prefer.
How we use your donations
SeeAbility will allocate charitable donations to specific restricted funds where requested by donors, or where we have requested donations for a particular activity in our fundraising materials. If funds are raised over and above the needs of a particular restricted activity, any additional monies will be redirected to our other charitable activities in order to best meet the needs of the people we support and our strategic objectives.
SeeAbility complaints procedure
If you have any concerns about SeeAbility’s fundraising, please advise our Supporter Care team using our usual contact details.
Complaints should usually be made to SeeAbility within three months of the incident concerned.
We will acknowledge your complaint within two working days and advise you of the outcome of our investigation within ten working days.
We will provide full details of our findings and the actions that will be taken as a result.
If, after receiving our response, you feel that your concerns have not been satisfactorily dealt with you can refer your complaint to the Fundraising Regulator (
By post:
Fundraising Regulator
2nd Floor
CAN Mezzanine Building
49-51 East Road
N1 6AH
By phone: 0300 999 3407
By email:
How we contact you
If you wish to advise us of or update your preferences about how we contact you, please call Supporter Care on 01372 755042 or email
Fundraising Preference Service (FPS)
If you wish to stop contact from SeeAbility, or any other charity, by email, telephone, post and/or text messages, you can now do this via The Fundraising Preference Service (FPS). The FPS allows you to choose to stop any or all types of direct marketing so you can tailor the way that we communicate with you according to your preference.
Useful links
Use the links below to help manage how other organisations use your data and contact you.
Mailing Preference Service - 0207 291 3310
Telephone Preference Service - 0845 070 0707
Bereavement Register – aims to reduce direct mail to those who have died.
0207 089 6403 or
Automated phone line registration service: 0800 082 1230