Greg's blog - an introduction
I’m Greg Hill, a member of the SeeAbility Associates Team who campaigns on the issues that matter to our community.
We all have things to share, which we hope will make life better for others who have learning disabilities or who are autistic, and in these times of global crisis, I’m even more passionate about making sure that people with disabilities are involved in society and fulfil our potential in every area of life.
With everyone settling into lockdown for the foreseeable future, we’ll be writing this blog to explain what lockdown means to us from a personal perspective - so firstly, I want to offer my condolences to those who’ve lost loved ones in the early part of this pandemic. I also I want to thank all my colleagues at SeeAbility for stepping up to the mark through this very tough time.
As those who know me well will understand, I’m a very out and about person and I find staying at home very difficult. However, I know these are very special circumstances, and if the government is asking us to stay home, then we should. So I’m listening to the government's advice and following it as best I can.
Watch this space closely, as we’ll be back with more on what the coronavirus lockdown means to us soon.