Tim smiling at the camera

Tim secures his first paid job

Tim knows exactly what he wants to get out of life. He has a bucket list that includes watching a game at Anfield, going to Comic-Con and seeing Queen live in concert, but number one on his list is finding a paid job. Tim says:

“There’s so much I want to do, but my money doesn’t go a long way so I need a job to get some extra income.”

Before Tim moved into his SeeAbility home in Oxford, he had never been supported to focus on his goals or given advice on looking at paid employment, but instead was always steered towards voluntary roles. 

So, when he joined our supported employment programme, Ready, Willing and Able, he and his employment coach Rasha were determined to find him his first paid job that he would enjoy.

Working with Rasha, Tim created his first CV and learnt about different types of interview questions. He focused on practicing his answers to ensure he showcased his knowledge and communication skills to employers. 

Tim standing in front of Next, where he worksThrough this process and with help from his SeeAbility support team who encouraged him to attend local careers fairs, Tim’s confidence grew significantly, and he recently secured his first paid job as part of the delivery team for a popular high street store. Commenting on his success, Tim said: 

“I feel very excited to have a paid job and I am very grateful to my job coach for helping me with my CV and interview preparation. Looking for work is a challenge but don’t give up.” 

Rasha told us:
“From speaking with Tim’s support team, we knew that he can lose interest very quickly, so it was essential that Tim found a job he would enjoy. I feel proud of how far Tim has come, from not having the confidence to apply for roles online to interviewing and securing his first job. I feel very privileged to support people like Tim through Ready, Willing and Able to achieve their aspirations. Watching Tim’s personal development and the joy that came from employment has been wonderful.”