Chris loves to be sociable, make people around him laugh and enjoy each day as fully as possible. Our Creating Connections Digital Inclusion Officer, Joe, helped him buy, set up and make the most of a smartphone’s features.
"I just didn’t know how to get James’ eyes checked. Checks like this should be in place to help families who have no other way. This Service is built around the children and that is exactly what they need.”
David has given himself the title of ‘King David’ at his new home called The Willows, a name the staff enjoy hearing him say because it shows how comfortable and safe he feels with them.
"Kiyana is a lively, fun-loving little girl. Thanks to SeeAbility, she can now see me and the world more clearly. She’s a different girl and is so much more confident now."
Emily's lived experience, determination and can do attitude have helped her become SeeAbility's first Influencer, helping others fight for their rights.
When we first met Sammy, we were told she had been blind for over 40 years. But when we started to investigate what she could really see, it changed her life.