Annie Morton-Smith

What people like and admire about me
I am a keen writer and researcher.
I love to think creatively and produce work that I am proud of. My colleagues rely on me to get things done and to a high standard.
I go above and beyond in everything I do.
What’s important to me?
I like to think outside the box and deliver the unexpected.
I make friends for life and have a positive outlook.
I contribute towards meetings and like to find fun in everything I do.
I trust in others wanting to achieve similar goals.
I work well in a creative environment.
I can talk about anything and everything I am neither squeamish nor embarrassed.
Things I find challenging
Maths has always been an issue and I cannot do anything without a calculator. I find spreadsheets a bind.
I work practically and kinetically and therefore like to be physically working rather than reading about it.
My belief in myself needs improvement and I do get imposter syndrome now and then.
How best to support me?
I work best if I can prioritise my diary and will always try to fit people in if I can. My diary is always very busy, so I need two weeks to slot in meetings.
Clear instructions are needed or otherwise you will get what I think you need - I think creatively so be warned! I learn by doing the job, not reading about it. Be concise, as I do not have the time to wade through huge pieces of work when a paragraph would suffice.