James Deeley

Vice President
James Deeley

James Deeley became a Vice President in 2019 and has supported SeeAbility for over 20 years, most recently as Chair of the Board of Trustees from 2012 and as a Trustee since 2005.

James has first-hand knowledge of SeeAbility’s work as he volunteered in Leatherhead for 6 years as an independent advocate for some of the people supported by SeeAbility before becoming a Trustee.

He is currently Chief Executive of Alina Homecare, a provider of high quality care services to people in their own homes across the South of England.

James is a qualified solicitor, whose early career was with Slaughter and May, before taking up senior legal and corporate positions in several public companies gaining wide ranging legal and managerial experience. Until 2012 he was Commercial Director of Charter International plc.

"From the early days as a volunteer, SeeAbility gave me a passion for care well-delivered - its about being aspirational for people’s abilities and providing support that encourages choice and independence. SeeAbility is an amazing charity that does truly extraordinary things every day."