Sue Keegan

Sue Keegan at a party

What people like and admire about me

People like me for my chatty and cheeky nature! I always have something to say and love to have a good laugh about things!

What’s important to me? 

My family are very important to me. I like to speak with them everyday on the phone. I also like to be social and get out and about! 

Things I find challenging. 

Sudden change or things happening unexpectedly. 

How best to support me? 

Communicate clearly and explain things to me simply. Keep me involved and allow me to make choices. 

Why are you passionate about campaigning and making a difference? 

I think it’s really important to speak up so that everyone gets a fair opportunity for things and our voices get heard. 

What is something that you think needs changing to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss? 

We need to be listened to more about things that are important to us. Some places still don’t have good accessibility. I want the council to fix the uneven paths in my town. 

What are your biggest strengths that will help you in this role? 

Being outspoken and not scared to speak my mind!