
Read news and blogs from the SeeAbility team, many of whom have lived experience of learning disabilities, autism or sight loss.

Focusing the world’s attention

It’s time for all people with learning disabilities to get the eye care they need, which can help them achieve their potential and ambitions. This is the world that I want to live in where we all have equality and, in this case, an equal right to sight. - Read our new blog by CEO Lisa Hopkins

How Rebecca is making her ‘Steps Count’

When Eye Care Champion Rebecca Lunness witnessed Captain Sir Thomas Moore complete 100 laps of his garden to raise an overwhelming amount of money for the NHS, she felt encouraged to get involved with the growing movement he had started.

#BetterPay4SocialCare campaign

SeeAbility has joined with other organisations to shine a light on low pay in social care through the #BetterPay4SocialCare campaign.

Remember A Charity Week 2021

Remember A Charity Week is an opportunity for us all to take a moment and consider leaving a gift in our will for a charity we care about, or one who has cared for us or our loved ones.

Emily’s balance chart - My health

Like many people, Emily has concerns about her health and feels that there is work to do before she is happy. Our physical, mental and emotional health are all connected with our ability to live well and have a good life.

How to live well: rest and relaxation

Taking the time to actively include both rest and relaxation into your daily routine can have a big impact on your ability to live well. Read our tips on improving your ability to rest and relax.

How to live well: Your health

Our health is something we often take for granted until we are in pain or something isn’t feeling as it normally does, but having good health is essential for us to be able to live well. Read our top tips for looking after your health.

How to live well at home

Feeling satisfied with where we live is important when it comes to living a good life. What can you do to live well at home?