Caroline looking up at the sky, against a yellow backdrop

Caroline’s cancer diagnosis - The power of unwavering support

There was, according to the doctor, no possible treatment. 

Sitting in a small doctor’s office, Caroline and her two support workers, Sam H and Sam K, had just been told, in the casual manner that people with learning disabilities often face, that this was the end. That there was no way Caroline, with a learning disability, was capable of undergoing the necessary radiotherapy to combat the cancer and save her life. 

But this was not the end. 

Hanna, a manager at SeeAbility, recalls the unwavering support and commitment Sam and Sam gave Caroline during her challenging battle with a life-altering diagnosis: 

"When Caroline was faced with a diagnosis of cancer. Sam and Sam didn't just provide care – they became Caroline's pillars of strength." 

Despite the doctor's initial prognosis, Sam and Sam refused to accept this outcome. They began a tireless campaign to support Caroline to gain strength and control over her situation, ensuring she had access to information, support, and a voice in her own healthcare decisions. 

The duo delved into extensive research, providing Caroline with easy read documents and discussions, empowering her to understand her situation. Despite the scepticism from doctors regarding Caroline's capacity to undergo treatment, Sam and Sam spoke up for what Caroline needed, making sure she was part of the important decisions regarding her health. 

The pivotal moment arrived when treatment possibilities emerged. Sam and Sam's dedication ensured that Caroline was an active participant at her capacity assessment, stunning the doctors by appearing at her best interest meeting, which they had assumed would exclude her. 

At the meeting, Caroline was able to stand up for herself and convince the doctors that she was ready for treatment. After a tough fight, her strength and determination paid off. The doctors agreed to provide the treatment. 

Sam and Sam’s support extended to the operation day and beyond. Both showed an unparalleled level of dedication, being there every step of the way – from the early hours of the morning preparing for the operation, accompanying her to the hospital, and remaining by her side throughout the recovery phase. 

After months of determined campaigning and successful treatment, Caroline is now cancer-free. 

"Sam and Sam saved my life,” says Caroline. “I am happy Caroline again." 

Hanna, deeply moved by their commitment, expressed, "Having Sam and Sam as part of my team makes me feel incredibly lucky to have two such genuine, lovely, caring people. I just feel like the luckiest manager in the world to have them."

Caroline’s equal right to the respect and treatment she needed, as well as the commitment displayed by Sam and Sam, are reflected across SeeAbility with our Great Expectations Framework. This is what we use to help people think about, plan and improve their lives. It demands ambition and respect for people’s lives, leaving no stone unturned.

We always expect great things, and Sam and Sam delivered, supporting Caroline to build confidence and strength to get through a difficult time.

Sam and Sam’s selfless, unwavering and unstoppable dedication to Caroline saved her life. If they had not challenged the doctor’s decision and supported Caroline through the treatment, she may not still be with us today. 

Caroline smiling and looking up towards the ceiling