Lance leaning on his hand in front of an orange backdrop

Launching a new pathway

Lance, one of our London Eye Care Champions, blogs about the launch of the new Easy Eye Care service in South East London. 

One of our top priorities as an eye care team this year was the launch of a new Easy Eye Care service in South East London. This service provides sight tests to people with learning disabilities and autism of all ages in the boroughs of South East London - Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark. SeeAbility was a part of the working group, along with commissioners, that set up the service. 

I hadn’t realised there was so much involved! We wrote press releases, we designed a flyers for professionals and people with learning disabilities, and we organised a launch event. Have a look through all the resources for the new pathway.

A launch event was held in September at one of the participating opticians practices in Greenwich. We were excited to have Deputy Mayor of Greenwich, Jit Ranabhat and local MP Matthew Pennycook attend, to help us launch the service.  

Since the launch, I have been working hard with my fellow London Eye Care Champion Grace to promote the service. We have presented to organisations both online and in person and have attended a variety of events to meet people with learning disabilities and autism, family carers, support providers and health professionals. We know that we need to work hard to make sure that people in South East London know about Easy Eye Care. 

One of my favourite parts of the role is delivering eye care workshops to groups of people with learning disabilities. We talk about how to look after your eyes and why this matters for everyone. We show people different ways of doing a sight test, like using pictures instead of letters. Everyone seems to love this part of the workshop and they are all keen to join in the demonstration! We encourage people to have a sight test if they haven’t had one yet. 

I also have colleagues Rebecca and Joanne working as Eye Care Champions in North West England, where they are promoting Easy Eye Care. We work closely as a team and will be meeting up soon to celebrate all being in our roles for 5 years! 

Lance with Michael Situ in his robeI have also met some interesting people on my travels. At an event in Southwark, the local Mayor Michael Situ popped out of a side door, so I took the chance to say hello and have a quick photo. I felt slightly under-dressed compared to his mayoral robes! 

In February, I was lucky enough to visit the Houses of Parliament with Grace and our colleague Donna O’Brien. Donna had arranged for us to meet Marsha de Cordova MP, who is also Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Eye Health and Visual Impairment.  

I also got to meet my own local MP, Dawn Butler. I enjoyed asking her about what she does and telling her about my role. This was my first visit to Parliament and it was great to talk to MP’s about our Equal Right to Sight campaign. They were very interested in our work and very friendly. It was an interesting experience, especially now there is a general election coming up! 

Lance with Marsha de Cordova and Dawn Butler
Lance and Emily with Vicky Foxcroft

In March 2024, we hosted another event to promote the service at one of the Easy Eye Care opticians practices in Lambeth. We were delighted to be joined at the practice by local MP Vicky Foxcroft, who was the Shadow Minister for Disabled People. It was a good event and very interesting watching the optometrist carrying out parts of the sight test with the MP! 

Now we have Easy Eye Care up and running in South East London, Grace and myself will be working harder than ever to make it a success. We know how much the service is needed so that people with learning disabilities and autism can have an Equal Right to Sight.