Christine Wainhouse

Christine on a bus

What people like and admire about me

I have a great sense of humour and make people laugh. I am the Queen of jokes. People also love my cat, Ruby.

What’s important to me?

I love going out and experiencing the cinema every week. Soaps are also a love of mine, as are concerts and bowling. I do a lot of gardening and love to feed the birds. I can’t do without Ruby, my cat, she is a great support to me, as are my lovely family. My support team are amazing, and they are important to me too.

Things I find challenging.

Change is very difficult for me, and I like to know what is happening through a notice board. I place pictures on the board and then I can prepare for the week. This is important to me and helps everyone understand what I need.

How best to support me?

Make sure that I have everything you need in advance so that I can prepare and add the information to my noticeboard.

Why are you passionate about campaigning and making a difference?

So that things that are important to people we support can change for the better.

What is something that you think needs changing to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss?

People need to listen to us more so that they understand what is important to us.

What are your biggest strengths that will help you in this role?

I am outgoing and friendly. I know the questions to ask and have an interest in everyone around me. I am a caring person and like to know that people around me are looked after and well.