Summer Dickens

What people like and admire about me
I’m admired for my positive outlook on life, my sense of humour, my ability to focus on the task at hand, my personality and my ability to be hard-working and manage situations.
What’s important to me?
It’s important that I have an active social life, with lots of time for my family and friends. I also value my independence and want to get out and about and be able to do things without relying on other people. Finally, my health and wellbeing is important to me.
Things I find challenging.
I can struggle with sudden and unexpected change, unexpected loud noises and not knowing what’s going on.
How best to support me?
When things change, I need you to explain to me why I’m hearing about it now, why it’s been changed and reassure me.
Why are you passionate about campaigning and making a difference?
I want to help others and to change society’s views and perceptions of people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss. I want to remove all the barriers!
What is something that you think needs changing to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss?
People should get the support they need in their own home when they don’t need to be in hospital.
What are your biggest strengths?
My ability to speak out, my passion for making a difference and my ability to put my point across.