Digital inclusion at SeeAbility

SeeAbility supported people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss to get connected online and develop digital skills through our Creating Connections programme. 

That programme has now come to an end, but we still provide easy read resources to support digital inclusion. 

Grace reading an easy read on her phone

Staying safe online

Cyberbullying, threats and scams online, especially on social media, are increasingly common. People with learning disabilities are often victims to those who see them as easy targets. To combat this and support people to understand the risks, SeeAbility has created new easy read resources for staying safe online.

Grace reading an easy read on her phone

Getting connected

Through the Creating Connections programme, SeeAbility and The Open University worked together to produce a free toolkit for people who manage services and supervise carers and support staff. The toolkit covers four key aspects that managers might find helpful:

  1. A framework for understanding what is needed in order to provide good support for people with learning disabilities to access and use technologies. This framework makes it clear that supporting people with learning disabilities involves more than just basic ICT skills.
  2. Advice and guidance on activities for managers to try out.
  3. A range of case studies and examples of good support in practice.
  4. Links to a wide range of learning disability specific online resources, many of which have been developed by self-advocacy groups.

National Lottery logoCreating Connections was funded by the National Lottery Coronavirus Community Support Fund through The Office for Civil Society.