
Read news and blogs from the SeeAbility team, many of whom have lived experience of learning disabilities, autism or sight loss.

SeeAbility marks Volunteers’ Week 2023

2023 marks the 39th year of Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June), when SeeAbility will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK. With this year’s theme of ‘Celebrate and Inspire’ we hope to encourage people to get involved in volunteering in whatever way works for them.

Special schools eye care: a parental perspective

After highlighting our survey of parents using the special schools eye care service, we’re very grateful for this blog from James Coney, who is dad to Charlie. Charlie has his eye tests in his special school.

Over £1000 raised at quiz night!

Supporter Darcey hosted a quiz night with her cousin Roseanna to raise vital funds for the charity as part of their London Marathon fundraising.

SeeAbility features on Mr Tumble!

SeeAbility's Head of Eye Care and Vision, Lisa Donaldson, featured in a recent episode of children's TV show Mr Tumble, emphasising the importance of eye care.

Don’t lose sight of doing what is right

The rollout of eye care and glasses dispensing in all special schools in England embodies NHS ideals. In this blog, Lisa Donaldson, our Head of Eye Care and Vision, appeals to NHS leaders to embrace this programme of work and introduces a series of guest blogs on the benefits already seen under the NHS Special Schools Eye Care Service, as the future of the Service from Spring 2023 is uncertain.  

Why we are standing up for an equal right to sight

In the last blog of this series, two parents who have campaigned improved eye care for people with learning disabilities, Baroness Sheila Hollins and Alyson Farrell, speak out on the need to keep eye care in special schools, and share how they are bringing attention to the issue of improving eye care for all people with learning disabilities in parliament. 

Why early eye care in special schools addresses preventable sight loss

Louise Gow, who is delivering the Service as part of a SeeAbility eye care team, and who is also Clinical lead for eye health and low vision at RNIB, explains why working with younger children in special schools offers a crucial window of opportunity to prevent sight loss. 

Why eye care for all special schools is evidence based and equitable

Professor Kathyrn Saunders, was part of the NHS working group on behalf of the College of Optometrists. As a leading subject matter expert on paediatric eye care at Ulster University she provides the context for working in all special schools, and shares her dismay that the future of the Service is uncertain.